how much can I save by using LED lighting

The average saving to change to LED for house hold lighting will be between 50% – 80% depending on the type of lighting used and the application. In any event you can look foward to halving your lighing bill.

For commercial or industrial applications, the same applies. I have just returned from China where in several cities including Beihai in the South of China they are replacing all back street lighting that where 50watt mercury vapour and changed to 20watt LED and the street lighting effect was double the previous output. In Guangzhou we saw litterally thousands of main highway street lights changed out to 100watt LED from 250watt high pressure sodium. The light effect was very consistent and more than acceptible for highway lighting. The obvious saving in operating cost was 60% on previous energy or power consumpion and more importantly, the environment gets a breather.

not hard to do the sums is it. So why are we waiting……

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